Travel the World with Nature's Light
with Ossian Lindholm

Saturday, June 22, 2019, 2:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Sunday, June 23 2019, 7:00 am -1:00 pm
20 Library Place, Princeton

Many nature photographers view light as one of the most important features of an exceptional image. An everyday landscape with an exquisite light is often a more memorable photo than a breathtaking landscape without the benefit of interesting light! Yet, the more intriguing the light, the more challenging it may be to use it successfully in your photographs. The most interesting landscape photos are often those in which the light conditions are the most complex, such as sunsets and twilight, cloudy, rainy, misty weather and more.

Join acclaimed Argentinian nature photographer, teacher and documentary filmmaker Ossian Lindholm for an immersive two-day workshop to learn and practice using natural light in your travel and nature photography. Ossian leads photographic journeys in South America and teaches photography courses throughout the year, including workshops in the US at Maine Media.

During this two day workshop, we'll learn and practice shooting in daylight, during sunset and twilight hours, as well as in morning light. On Saturday, Ossian will combine instruction on light, manual exposure, raw files, dynamic range, the lightmeter and the histogram with hands-on practice. On Sunday, we will shoot in the morning, then return to the classroom for discussion and critique.

You will leave the workshop with new photographic skills to capture those glorious but ephemeral light moments across the world and closer to home.

Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
Required Skills: Familiarity with your camera's settings and functions, know how to shoot in manual mode and how to control depth of field.

“Ossian is a profound teacher who teaches students to convey what they see before even picking up the camera. Often we would get to a place and just observe and fill our eyes with the landscape, our ears with the music of nature and our lungs breathing clean air and only then would we grab our equipment and take pictures. He also believes strongly that having good technique will help you express your vision and artistic passion.” Maine Media

"Ossian is a fantastic instructor who was patient and explained his techniques for capturing nature's light. The course material and pacing was good and everything I learned I will be putting into practice. Looking forward to future courses." - Jason

"Ossian Lindholm is both an excellent photographer and educator. He knows his subject very well - both the artistic and technical aspects. In addition, he was very approachable when I had any question.” - Gerry

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